The Girl of Fire and Thorns [Hardcover] [2011] (Author) Rae Carson

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Strong, bold, intelligent prose for a strong, bold, intelligent heroine.

Elisa is a real person to me. She is amazing. Even when she thinks little of herself, especially at the beginning of the book (and even when I see her flaws), I can see how wonderful, intelligent, thoughtful, and very human she is. Right from the start.

Wonderful plotting. This is not a formulaic YA romance. This is an adventure, and while Elisa might find some love along the way, it is primarily about her character, this amazing world Carson has created, and power: individual power, intellectual power, the power of leadership and charisma, and the power of nations. The plot is so interesting I fear saying more. I don't want to give a single thing away.

Read it, people!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mohamed abo el soud
Totally read this book in a few days. Could have finished it sooner if I didn't have to go to work (and stay awake while there). I just checked out of the library the second in the series and put a reservation on the third. I bought it as a discounted kindle book but it's worth the full purchase price (just have to watch my pennies at this time or else I would buy the next two plus the 3 novellas).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
halvor bodin
I finished reading The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson today and I cannot gush enough about it. I was engrossed, enthralled, enchanted and amazed by this brilliant story and the equally brilliant writing. This book is now in my top-five favorites of all time, and I smile at that because it's not a story that would be in my go-to pile. It proves to me, yet again, that I must step out of my box--my comfort zone--on occasion because the world is full of riches and rewards. I don't want to miss out. I want to experience the world without blinders and reservations. The world, like this story, is alive and bright. It's full of vibrant colors and heartbreak and hope. So, thank you, Ms. Carson for sharing your world. I won't soon forget it.
Walk on Earth a Stranger :: A Girl of the Limberlost :: Lay Down My SWORD and SHIELD (A Holland Family Novel) :: A Novel (A Holland Family Novel) - House of the Rising Sun :: The False Prince (Ascendance Trilogy Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
echo z y
Mostly I would agree with the other reviews of this book. Elisa starts as weak willed and self obsessed but grows into a strong, yet modest, main character - the sort that you become emotionally involved with and want to win. The story is well thought out and original, well written in an engaging manner and full of characters you grow to love, although at some points you want to shout at them over their naiveness.

To be critical, I would say I found the religiousness of the story not to my taste, although it is quite a major part of the plot and you come to terms with it more as you get into the book. Also I'd agree with others about the food references for the first half of the book. I understand that Elisa eats because she is insecure, but I thought this could have been done better. Maybe it's the way it's written, with Elisa telling the story, but the author seems very good at developing the good characters, but the bad guys seem quite 2 dimensional and underdeveloped. And finally, not trying to spoil the story, but the book just stops at the end like its run out of fizz. A bit like stories my son would write for school where he'd start with a fantastically descriptive build up to a battle, then get bored and finish it with, 'they fought and they won'.

Overall, I enjoyed reading this book and feel it was time well spent, but its not a book I would go back and read again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rae's writing is so enthralling that even though I wasn't sure at first that I would care much about the story-line, once I started reading I couldn't put it down. And the story ended up being fantastic, there's so much character development and and the twists and turns are unexpected and original. After accidentally staying up till 3am reading, I bought an extra copy to give to a friend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brent eysler
This book is absolutely incredible. It's not only great in the sense that the Hunger Games and Divergent are great because they have a good story and that just-right amount of romance, this book is all-around exceptional. The writing style is beautiful, the author is creative and original, and the main character is down-to-earth, relatable, and adorable. I have friends who said that it was hard to follow all of the characters and places so you have to pay attention, but I don't think it's that complicated. Be prepared to read the whole series.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
xan west
Weirdly religious...and not in a good way for Christians or Atheist or fantasy lovers. Too many parallels to Christianity in a weird twisted kind of way. And for fantasy lovers the writer is not creative enough to make up a new creative religion for the world in the book. I could barely get through half of the book before I had to put it down because it was just so terrible. I would not recommend this book for anyone! It was also terribly boring. And in my opinion also had a lot of weird body shaming. Skinny is beautiful and fat is ugly and you should change yourself to be skinny and beautiful message in my opinion.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I was very disappointed with this novel. It received good ratings and I'm not sure why. I did not enjoy the heroine in this book. She was weak and unsure of herself throughout the novel. A couple of times she rose to the occasion, but she overall I did not enjoy her story. I felt like the supporting characters were underdeveloped and I didn't have any emotional connection to the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anjileta chavez
Elisa's teenage angst runs a little deeper than most: we meet her on her 16th birthday AND wedding day, where her royal family is marrying her off to a stranger (okay, a nice looking stranger). She can't quit fit into her wedding gown, she's sure people are tittering as she walks down the aisle, and there's the wedding night looming ahead. Elisa is too fat, too smart, and too unsure of herself to do much more than show up and follow her family's bidding.

But Elisa bears a jewel, embedded in her navel, that sets her apart, even though she's not quite ready to grow up. The younger of two princesses, Elisa is destined to do great things, whether or not she likes it, but Elisa has no clue what these great things will be. 'The Girl of Fire and Thrones' experiences first love, real friendship, and battles normal teenage anxiety- how does she look, what are the others thinking about her, what is the point of all the texts she's been studying?- while also dealing with very adult problems- inter-kingdom warfare, a countess who is a little too close to her husband, and a stepson who requires a firm hand.

Rae Carson has done a very competent job of giving readers a fantasy world that is just close enough to ours to feel right, and a main character that feels right, too. Elisa's sense of right and wrong is formed as a result of her religious faith, but that faith never feels overdone, or preachy. Most of the characters we meet are fleshed out and change over the course of the novel, and the ending is satisfying in a stand-alone way. My only complaint about the book is that it is firmly attached to the premise that royalty is somehow a necessary government form. Elisa promises a group of freedom fighters that they, too, will be given their own kingdom, but this group truly seems like it would hold out for a democracy, instead. In the 400 plus pages of this book, that is the only plot twist that felt wrong.

The writing is about 10th grade level, best guess- not too difficult for readers who are younger- but the plot could very rightly be described as fantasy, period. The 'young adult' label is a bit of a disservice to adults, who might otherwise miss this engrossing debut.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I adore first person books. I also adore character development. And I feel like Elisa comes a long way. She does a wonderful job changing. And I love that while she starts out "fat" she gets thinner, but says that she will never be thin. She doesn't care about being skinny. Even though culturally all around her she's mocked and shamed for her weight. She's proud and doesn't care by the end. She knows that she's more than her body.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4.5 Stars

THE GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS was absolutely brilliant! Thrilling and heart-pounding until the very end! Rae Carsono is an astonishing writer, that painted a world with creativity and magic unlike any I've ever explored. She blew the pages alive with her fierce characters and deadly world!! It truly was a brilliant YA Fantasy that stole my breath away with it's pure awesomeness!!!

First, the characters were ALL so awesome and easy to like. I had my doubts though about the main character Elisa, as all she ever talked about was eating, and lacked the full desire to do anything besides indulge herself. BUT, that quickly changed as Elisa is taken from her safe and secure environment and placed into a different world all together with danger lurking around every corner, and then she quickly took on her role she was destined for. And then I was able to sit back and route for her the entire way. And the love interest and side characters were just as amazing and entertaining as Elisa was!! This book balanced it's self nicely, with not too much of one thing, and kept the atmosphere changing, and plot thickening, and I LOVED that!! We were always moving an changing our course in this novel, exploring new lands and territories with danger never far!! To say that THE GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS kept me on my toes would be an understatement.


War is on the horizons, and bloodshed and death is inevitable...

The Kingdom of Joya d'Arena is struggling to win a war that their destine to lose without allying with another kingdom. So King Alejandro of Joya d'Arena and Princess Elisa of Orovalle will marry to untie their Kingdoms, and thus submit their troops to the ongoing war that Joya d'Arena will lose without their aid. But the war is just the beginning as now someone very special has come into play. But when her true identity is revealed, it will become the enemy's new target, and the ultimate prize that they will stop at nothing to claim...

Once a century, one person is chosen for greatness.

Elisa is the chosen one, she will fulfill such
greatness, and save her people...

Elisa is the youngest Princess of the small kingdom of Orovalle, second heir to the Orovalle throne, and cares more about pastries than becoming a Queen or participating in any formal royal event. But what makes her special is not that she is a Princess, but that she is the bearer of the Godstone. A rare and precious stone that was placed in her navel at on seven-days-old by gods heavenly light. And as being the chosen one to bare gods precious stone, it means that she must serve her god and fulfill his will, even if his will ends in her death...

Without a choice, Elisa reluctantly marries her king and travels to her new kingdom of Joya d'Arena. But marrying only for an alliance also means that it will be kept secret, and Elisa will become second to her new husband Alejandro's mistress. Feeling alone and more unwanted then she's ever felt, Elisa feels it couldn't possibly get any worse then it already has. But all that changes when she is kidnapped by the desert people, desperate for her help, no, desperate for the bearer's help. But as a once terrified Elisa is opened up to a whole new world, she realizes that she is more needed out here with the desert people then she ever was in any kingdom she resided in. But what is more distributing to Elisa is that she has been lied too, for years. Her family has kept secrets from her, and these people are the first ones to give her answers -- real answers. Guidance towards her act of service for her god, something she is destine to complete. She can't pass that up for it is gods will, and her path to walk upon, no matter the sacrifice...

As Elisa takes on her new role with the desert people, she ventures into enemy territory in hopes of bringing down the enemy terrorizing her people, but when the truth is reveal that Elisa is the bearer of the Godstone, she becomes in danger in more ways then one. Everyone wanting to kill her, claim her, or cut the stone from her body. Either way, Elisa might not make it out of this journey alive, as most of the bearers who ever lived died young, and died before completing their act of service...

Elisa will learn many things on this journey, and may even find true love, not a cover up marriage like her and the king share. But what Elisa finds on this journey that is most important, is that she is capable of great things -- and that she has more strength and power within then she ever thought possible. And she will fight for her people, even if she has to die for them...

I absolutely, positively, undoubtedly, LOVED THE GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS so FREAKING MUCH!!! It was wonderful and truly heartwarming, and filled with heart-pounding action, adventure, love, sacrifice and death!!! It was beautiful!!! Though I must admit it did have it's faults, and some annoying little parts, but what good book doesn't'?? It would of been unrealistic if it was all perfect with no qualms at all!! But all the little issues I had were easy to look around, and after a while they didn't even bother me anymore!!

Overall, THE GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS was a wonderful surprise that I absolutely loved! It stole my breath away and had me craving the next book. It was such a magical world, twisted with pain and heartache that kept the twist and turns coming! If your looking for a YA fantasy novel that will sweep you off your feet and have you drowning in pure awesomeness, then THE GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS is definitely for you!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was pleasantly surprised by the strong religious undertones of this book. Elisa is a strong (eventually) female character that is probably very relatable to young girls, especially those struggling with self image. While sometimes she was a bit dense, you do have to keep in mind she is a 16 year old girl. The writing style at first takes some getting used to, but before I was fully emerged and ready to dive into the rest of the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen na acree
I was into the story from the first page. Suspenseful, powerful, exciting, intrigue. Every turn of the page reveals more of the mystery of who Princess Elisa with the godstone is and what her purpose is. Will start sequel right away. Great read, the scene descriptions so vivid you felt like you were right there in the story. Highly recommend to lovers of fantasy fiction. Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kellie gilbert
So fantastic! I wish I could properly express how thrilled I am to see an overweight heroine in a YA novel who deals with the issue with such tact and grace. She is so relatable and loveable. Her self-discovery was my favorite part of the novel. Terrific fantasy, but a little heavy on the religion. Something like that usually bothers me but I accepted that that was how she was raised and part of the culture.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dawn friemel
This is the first of a series that really surprised me. When I first started reading this my initial thoughts were, "oh lord, what did I spend my money on?!" While the book wasn't slow to start, it just wasn't my specific taste for fun adventure or so I thought. Not half way into the book, I realized my mistake and went from loathing the main character and her inherent laziness, to watching the character develop and change and become strengthened by her trials. A great book to lose yourself in. I'm looking forward to the third part this summer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Girl of Fire and Thorns is a beautiful story. I love Rae Carson and the world she has created. It is nice to have a main character that does some serious developing and isn't shallow and boring. I read this book in 2 days and am anxious to move on to the next one
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
larizza raindrop
My 7th grade daughter loved this series!! Our library didn't have this addition to the series, so of course I had to purchase it for her. Nobody likes to get hooked on a book series and not be able to continue on with it if it's available!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I find this story to be perfectly balanced and well-paced. It was easy to become absorbed in Elisa's world, and in the character of Elisa herself, because the author did such a fine job of describing everything well enough to paint a vivid image, and stopping well short of dragging the story down with too much information. I got a good sense of what Elisa was thinking, how she was feeling, the lush jungle or sweeping sands around her... then the storyline continued with character interaction and dialogue.

Elisa herself was well-written and believable, with virtues and shortcomings, insecurities and strength. Love her. Love this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rae Carson is a gifted writer. She sets a sumptuous scene and infuses her characters with life, and takes you into their thoughts and feelings. They are so human, we can relate to their trials and experiences. Her reluctant heroine (Elisa) is engaging, resourceful, beautiful (inside & out), brave, steadfast, driven and guided by her absolute trust in a higher power thruout this epic tale. Couldn't put it down! Leaves you begging for more... You won't be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ali karbasi
I grew up loving fantasy novels starring powerful female leads, especially those by Tamora Pierce. What Carson accomplished in The Girl of Fire and Thorns is impressive--this is an incredible coming-of-age story. The transformation Elisa goes through in this book (and in the trilogy overall) is learning how to believe in herself, and it is so authentic. It spoke to my heart. So many of us "learn" growing up that we are not good enough, that this person and that person are "better" than we are, and we start to believe those other voices. What Elisa learns in this book is to believe her own voice, to exercise her gifts and abilities and discover that she is a brilliant leader after all. That these qualities were there all along--she just needed a challenge to draw it out of her. This book truly spoke to me, and I can't praise it enough.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I quite like the world Ms Carson has created - however her heroine starts out 'fat' and according to the story - unattractive and unlovable. Then though trials and forced limited rations, she loses weight and is suddenly 'desirable and attractive'.
Terrible message to send.
She was always a beautiful person. And nobody was supposed to see that until she lost weight? No sir. I don't like it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bonnie burlton
This was not a predictable book and I liked that, too often it feels like I'm following well-established story groves. Not the case here. Great characters, including and especially the lead female, who has her challenges and must adapt. The characters seemed real, had good traits and flaws, and like in real life, nothing came easily. I read it in all my free time until it was finished.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
blagomir petrov
I thought that this heroine would act like the typical YA princess who has been taken away from home and put into an early marriage. But she wasn't! Throughout the book she conquers fears, overcomes barriers and is compassionate through her trials. All without totally relying on her male counterparts to save or swoon over her! Take that, recent YA books! I recommend this book to all people seeking an a different path from the predictability of the mainstream story plot.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leslie adams
honestly I couldn't find anything to dislike other than the breaking of my heart when beloved characters died. Elisa is one of the most likeable heroines I've ever read and she truly grows throughout the book. She does not have the traditional looks of a young female hero or princess or queen or rebel leader but grows into her roles and leaves room for more growth.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great futuristic fantasy! This book has the feel of a medieval fantasy but seems to be set in future. Young adults of older age will like this book especially those who like fantasy and sci-fi. It is four stars because of the great storyline. I didn't give it five stars because I don't believe everything was resolved.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
carly rose
Story my eyes could not move fast enough, so rapt with intrigue and yearning to know what's next. Interesting dialogues regarding our relationship with being chosen of God for a purpose. Elisa voices all the fear and doubts we all have, nonetheless stays the course. I eager to read the next in the series. Molly Cogawall
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After searching through the catalogue for a book to read on vacation and testing quite a few 'samples' I finally decided on this one. I like a little supernatural thrown in with my stories and this one had just that. I love the characters and the 'Godstone' concept.

The author here builds a wonderful world where an insecure heroine and 'chosen one' literally sheds her insecurities and becomes a strong character as the book progresses on her journey. She goes through tragedy and loss as well as triumph and some death-defying bold moves and builds up to a wonderful ending, leaving so much potential for the next book.

I look forward to the next installment of the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this book. The author creates a main character that you really care about and want to succeed. I love that I can recommend this to my daughter and students, because the content is appropriate. Just wish I had bought a paper copy to put in my library.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I actually checked this book out from my library and finished it in less than a day. I loved it so much I had to purchase it so I could read it whenever I wanted. It is a beautiful and original story. I really enjoyed reading it and recommend it to anyone starting out in fantasy or science fiction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book started off fast paced which I loved. I had a very hard time putting these books down. All of the characters are great I fell in love with them all, especially Elisa and Hector. The books are so well written I would recommend this series to everyone!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jane darby day
I went into reading this without fully accepting it. Then I found out the heroine was far from the strength-driven character she became at the end. Her character development, carefully shaped through her losses and acts of bravery made me want to stick with her until the burning, bloody end.

Although I'm fully aware that her weight loss was founded (I mean come on, that was a lot of exercise and strength) and exactly what would happen, I would have almost liked to see the character remain above the Norma weight of most heroines. I would have loved to see her take pride in herself before the journey.

Still, a great and fantastical story with a heroine of Spanish development. It's good to see a heroine who breaks from the mold once in a while.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
morgan simon
I really enjoyed this book. After reading what has seemed like the same story over and over again with different names it was a nice change. I loved the fact that the heroine did not start out looking the way one would think she should. And she really grows throughout the story and comes into her own.

I find it interesting that the author chose to put such religious impact in this, especially since it reflects strongly with one familiar to us today. Some might say too much, but I think that it really shows very well the struggle of one coming to terms and shaping what it dictates a person should be.

It was refreshing to also see that there wasn't an extreme emphasis on her love life. Yes, it can be important, but it doesn't have to be the deciding point of (almost) every story out there. And I love that its more about her than him&her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin ruff
I really enjoyed this trilogy. It was as good as the Hunger Games trilogy, but this one had a better love story! I read all 3 books within a week because I couldn't put them down. The first book was a little bit slow at first while you were introduced to the background information, but quickly picked up and took off. The second and third books were great!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I usually read mysteries and police procedurals, and shy away from YA and fantasy novels. This trilogy was recommended to me by a friend, and I am glad I gave it a chance. The strong female characters were enjoyable, and I liked watching the transformation of Elisa with every book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mike daronco
Innovative and exciting first installment of this series. I enjoyed the characters and the world-building of the fantasy world. Smoothly written and a fast read. I particularly liked the fact that the heroine does not start out very heroic, but matures into her power as the story progresses. Nice coming of age story!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dionna l hayden
This book was really good. The story was captiviating, the characters were inthralling, I love the character growth that happens in this story! However, I found the god-stone thing a little wierd, especially in the end. But if you can ignore all that, then this book is great :D!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
louise edwards
I can't believe this book has been sitting unread on my Kindle for months! I finished it in two days, and I can't wait to get my hands on Book Two. It was wonderful to read about a woman becoming a leader because of her intelligence, not because of her beauty. I really liked how the love story didn't take over the book, as well. Elisa is a great character, in a fascinating world that I look forward to reading more about.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bianca schepel
It lures you and then captures your attention.
It's actually a great read up until the last few pages. Then it was like a third grader wrote the end. Totally disappointed in the ending to say the least. I tried to start the next of the series but could not get passed the first chapter. I will not continue on with this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was reading a different book when this one arrived on my doorstep. I picked it up and opened to the first page and never put it down again completely forgetting the other book I was reading. It's a really good and well written story. I would almost have given it a 5 but I save my 5 star ratings for perfection so I would give this book a 4.5. Any book that can grab you from the first page is worth a read. You should read it. YA and adults alike will find it very entertaining.
Please RateThe Girl of Fire and Thorns [Hardcover] [2011] (Author) Rae Carson
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